Winter is here — and without the proper armor against the onslaught of sugar cookies, white peppermint mocha chinos, and your least favorite aunt encouraging you to take that fourth plate at Christmas dinner, your once impenetrable wall of self-control might just be overtaken by a metaphorical inflammation icing dragon.
Sorry, I promise no more “Game Of Thrones” puns, but the allure of you picturing your least favorite relative riding atop a gingerbread dragon attacking your willpower was too much for me not to engrain in you.
But seriously, eating healthy is crucial, especially during the winter. It’s essential to keep your immunity up and counter those unhealthy foods you included in your holiday diet. Here are some to consider stocking up on this winter.
Soup Season is here and bone broth is a healthy way to make the most of it. Whether you are sipping it as a collagen-dense source of nutrients in the morning or using it as a base for your favorite soup, bone broth is a winter must.
Collagen is the star player on the bone broth squad, and for good reason. It has the potential to fix leaky gut, increase nutrient absorption, improve sleep quality, reduce joint inflammation, and improve skin health.
The protein acts on the mucosal layer of your intestines, helping to fill the small holes that develop over time in your intestinal lining leading to leaky gut. Leaky gut is a symptom of various autoimmune diseases, and if left unattended, it amplifies autoimmune-related ailments. It can also affect your skin, due to malabsorption of nutrients that benefit skin health, and allow foreign, undigested food particles and bacteria into the bloodstream.
Collagen, a protein found in bone broth, is rich in amino acids like glycine, proline, and glutamine (1). Glycine improves sleep performance by regulating your body’s internal temperature and stabilizing the circadian rhythm (2). Glutamine and proline are highly effective at lowering joint pain and inflammation.
So, how does one integrate bone broth into their daily life? Sip it in the morning, use it as a base for your lunchtime soup, or end your day with a nice cup before bed.
Check out this epic recipe. To add more healthy bone broth into your diet, try Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Collagen or Codeage Bone Broth Collagen, which are powder supplements you can add to your morning smoothie or favorite beverage.
Beets get a bad rap, give beets a chance. Beets belong to the tuber family of vegetables and offer various benefits. They lower inflammation, bind to free radicals, and increase athletic performance.
Winter is full of opportunities for increased blood pressure as stress hormones course through our veins. A 2016 study showed that cooked beets and beetroot juice were statistically significant in lowering inflammatory markers of high blood pressure (3).
Beets are full of free radical binding antioxidants and substances called nitrates. Naturally occurring nitrates are different from the added nitrates found in processed deli meats. These nitrates have been shown to improve the efficiency of the powerhouse cells in your mitochondria.
When your mitochondria are functioning at their highest level, your energy systems have more gas for when the tough gets going. As a bonus, high levels of dietary nitrates have been shown to increase time to exhaustion and tolerance for high-intensity exercise for athletes (4).
Pomegranates are the bane of every winter-loving culinary enthusiast, that is until we all learned how to properly remove its delicious seeds the right way …
These fruits are packed with polyphenols called punicalagins which are responsible for a lion’s share of antioxidant-related activity(5). Another interesting little factoid about pomegranates: they have three times the antioxidant content of red wine and green tea (6).
Pomegranates are also a potent source of punicic acid, a type of conjugated linoleic acid that can help protect against heart disease (7). It may positively alter HDL: LDL ratios by lowering bad LDL and preventing certain LDL cholesterols from oxidizing (8). Pomegranates have also been shown to fight against Alzheimer’s disease by decreasing neuroinflammation (9).
So if you’re down to take your antioxidant game to the next level while protecting your brain and heart, add pomegranates to your winter diet. Also, be careful of store-bought pomegranate juice. Brands tend to sneak unnecessary sugar into the blend which negates the benefits. Try the recipe!
Persimmons are a Japanese nutrient-dense fruit and an incredible addition to any winter salad. High in vitamins A, C, and manganese it is a strong candidate for the pro bowl of winter fruit.
The fruit may help fight breast, prostate, and colon cancer. A flavonoid called fisetin contributes to its anti-cancer properties.
Want to have your cake AND eat it too? Try this Persimmon Meringue Pie Cake.
Thoughts of spinach elicit Popeye getting his ass handed to him, then riding a wave powered by a mid-round can of spinach to the ultimate come-from-behind underdog victory. Maybe it was his improved vision, reduced oxidative stress, lowered cancer risk, or improved blood pressure levels that helped him win the fight. The high level of plant-based proteins, coming in at 2.9g per 100 grams probably helped as well.
One of the main things to look out for when consuming spinach is a pesky little thing called oxalates. Raw spinach has a moderate amount of oxalic acid that CAN*** interfere with calcium and iron absorption.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t eat raw spinach, but what I am saying is don’t use raw spinach as your base for EVERY big salad you make. Cooked spinach offers higher levels of micronutrient absorption. Spinach is full of Vitamins A and E, zinc, calcium, and iron, which are better absorbed when exposed to heat.
Try this spinach recipe. It’s cooked, so don’t sweat the oxalates:
Onions can be found at the base of many flavorful cuisines worldwide. They make the culinary world go round. They’re also important for gut health. Onions are prebiotics, meaning they provide food for the healthy bacteria in your gut. Without prebiotics, your good bacteria starve and let less optimal bacteria steal the show.
These veggies can also be a powerful tool against asthma and other inflammatory diseases.
Onions contain quercetin, an anti-inflammatory antihistamine. Quercetin also offers anti-cancer properties. Onion’s cancer-fighting properties are enhanced when combined with turmeric. The quercetin makes the curcumin in turmeric more bioavailable (11). The quercetin and curcumin combine to team up on cancer cells.
Try Mary’s Beef Tartare, and enjoy the benefits of onions and beyond:
Sweet potatoes contain the full spectrum of B vitamins as well as Vitamin C, iron, selenium, and calcium. They are also unusually high in beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A. They are packed with fiber which helps stabilize blood sugar.
So, why all of this hullabaloo in the debate for sweet potatoes over regular potatoes? One word, lectins. Lectins are the front line of defense for plants to prevent consumption but they can also destroy the gut wall and interfere with nutrient absorption. Sweet potatoes are notoriously lower in lectin content than their white potato counterparts.
Head over to Bravabod’s Instagram to check out this delicious vegan recipe:
Mushrooms are nutritional powerhouses and have been gaining recognition over the last few years. One cup of oyster mushrooms contains 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of protein. You won’t find many other plant-based protein sources that boast this type of keto-friendly macronutrient profile.
Oyster mushrooms are one of the few fungi that contain ergothioneine, which fights against free radicals and lowers inflammation. It may also prevent plaque, one of the leading causes of heart disease (12).
The mushrooms can be considered a nootropic nutraceutical due to their high levels of niacin. Niacin is a neuroprotective agent that fights Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline (13).
Check out Tracy’s tom kha gai recipe to increase your mushroom intake this winter.
Parsnips are a hidden weapon in the war against carb overconsumption. A nice parsnip mash can replace mashed potatoes at any holiday soiree. Both parsnips and potatoes contain high levels of B vitamins, but parsnips are a significantly better source of folic acid. One cup of cooked parsnips represents almost a quarter of the recommended intake of folic acid in comparison to the 5% brought to the table by potatoes.
Folate regulates the nervous and metabolic systems while fighting depression, cancer, and aging. Parsnips are also great sources of potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and manganese.
Check out this parsnip mash recipe that might have you waving goodbye to mashed potatoes forever.
Cauliflower is the darling of the keto movement, boasting a top-notch net carb ratio that promises all the fluffy texture of rice and bread, without the glycemic spike. Two grams of net carbs and protein per single cup serving adds to its allure for those of us chasing the pizza dragon, but just can’t justify the wheat belly that comes with it.
This veggie is also a prebiotic, which benefits the fight between good and bad gut bacteria (14). It contains the antioxidants glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, which have been shown to slow cancer growth (15). Try roasted buffalo cauliflower bites paired with a coconut yogurt-based ranch for a gut-friendly tailgate spread that delivers on taste, health, and digestive prowess.
Cauliflower is considered a nutraceutical nootropic due to its choline content. One cup of cauliflower contains 45 mg of choline, not enough to drive enhanced brain performance on its own, but when used in conjunction with other choline-containing compounds, it can drastically improve the production of neurotransmitters that are required for brain development and a healthy nervous system (16).
Try this creamy cashew cauliflower casserole recipe.
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