Have you ever wondered why so many children have food allergies or sensitivities?
Some of the most common food allergy culprits affecting children today are peanuts, gluten, casein (in cow’s milk), soy, fish, eggs, tree nuts and yeast.
Dr. Mercola says, in his article regarding Peanut Allergy Treatment, that food allergies affect 1 out of every 13 children.
He also explains in that same article that, “Food allergies can actually result in all sorts of reactions, from headache, sneezing, rashes, to swollen joints. Or they may result in psoriasis, or cause eczema to flare up.”
Dr. Mercola also included this chart identifying common symptoms of food allergy:
Tingling or itching in your mouth | Hives | Itching |
Eczema | Swelling anywhere in your body, especially your lips, face, tongue and throat | Wheezing and trouble breathing |
Abdominal pain | Diarrhea | Nausea and vomiting |
Fainting and dizziness | Anaphylaxis (tightening of airways, swelling in your throat, difficulty breathing) | Nasal congestion |
Years ago peanut allergies were unheard of. But today, about 150 million kids have to deal with their life threatening complications. From 1997-2000 the prevalence of peanut allergy alone has quadrupled.
So what changed?
First let’s look at what history tells us about the origin of the words Anaphylaxis and Allergy.

As it turns out, after the first mass administration of the diptheria vaccine at the end of the 1800s, half of the children receiving large quantities of horse-derived antitoxin were becoming ill with something called serum sickness.
The Wikipedia article defining the word Anaphlaxis says that doctor Charles Richet coined the term in 1902 after he injected a dog with a vaccine in order to try and protect it. The article says,
“Although the dog had previously tolerated the toxin, on re-exposure with the same dose three weeks later it developed fatal anaphylaxis. Thus instead of inducing tolerance (prophylaxis), when lethal responses resulted from previously tolerated doses, he coined the word ana (without) phylaxis (protection).”
As Richet experimented further, he realized that any protein injected into the bloodstream results in sensitization and anaphylaxis on subsequent exposure to the food. Richet injected minute quantities of milk and meat proteins into cats, rabbits and horses and showed that anaphylaxis is a universal immune system defense. (Source)

As far as allergy is defined, Austrian pediatrician, Clemens von Pirquet, who also studied serum sickness, discovered that the symptoms resembled those in people who were hypersensitive to pollens and bee stings.
The Wikipedia article tells us that Clemens von Pirquet and Bela Schick used the Latin derived word allergy to describe the particular hypersensitivity adverse reaction that horses were experiencing from multiple doses of a smallpox vaccine. To better describe the ‘altered reactivity’ to the sera, he created the word allergy in 1906.
“In 1906 he noticed that patients who had previously received injections of horse serum or smallpox vaccine had quicker, more severe reactions to a second injection. He, along with Bela Schick, coined the word allergy (from the Greek allos meaning “other” and ergon meaning “reaction”) to describe this hypersensitivity reaction.”
Pirquet also concluded in 1907, through further experiments with guinea pigs and the BCG vaccine, that immunity and hypersensitivity go hand in hand.
Allergist, Warren Vaughan, M.S., M.D., summarized the dilemma of serum-induced allergy in his book, Strange Malady, published in 1941.
“Serum disease, as this is called, is a man-made malady. If we have no curative serums and if there were no such thing as a hypodermic syringe with which to introduce the material under the skin, there would be no serum disease. Instead multitudes would still be dying from diphtheria and lockjaw… Thus, we find ourselves in somewhat of a dilemma, faced with the necessity for choosing the lesser of two potential evils.” Warren Vaughan, Strange Malady (1941)
The Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine from 1987, Volume 80 – does a great job of summing this up. It states,
“It would therefore appear from these studies that immunity and allergy are separate responses to different components of the bacterial cell. Both are mediated by a specific T-lymphocyte response and therefore develop in parallel.”
Given this history, has science shown that vaccines cannot promote “immunity” without promoting allergy?
Vaccine Ingredients Today
Just as parents care about ingredients in the food their kids eat, if you have a history of allergies in your family, it’s also important to be be aware of the adjuvants, excipients and preservatives used in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements before they are given to your children.
Since vaccine ingredients are injected straight into the bloodstream, rather then being broken down through the digestive system, it may be even more important to know about any risks associated with these ingredients and whether they’ve been tested for safety.
The Purpose Of ‘Other’ Vaccine Ingredients
Since the current vaccination schedule calls for 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the age of 18, with plans for adding more and to make them all mandatory, we owe it to our children to educate ourselves about the ingredients in vaccines – especially when history has already shown links to allergy and anaphylaxis.
Here are some of the excipients used in vaccines and the reasons for their use as defined by the CDC.
The CDC explains,
“Chemicals are added to vaccines to inactivate a virus or bacteria and stabilize the vaccine, helping to preserve the vaccine and prevent it from losing its potency over time.”
The CDC also provides a list of many ingredients including excipients currently used to make vaccines.
CDC’s List Of Some Vaccine Ingredients:
Polysorbate 80
Yeast protein
Fetal bovine serum
MSG (AKA monosodium glutamate)
Chick embryo cell culture
Aborted fetal tissue (WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts)
Egg protein
Latex rubber
Latham medium derived from bovine casein
Monkey kidney cells
Pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain
Although each of these ingredients are meant to preserve the vaccine and boost the body’s artificial immune response, are Richet, Von Pirquet and the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine correct that allergies are an inevitable by-product of vaccination?
When you compare the top allergens affecting children and adults today, with the adjuvant ingredients used in vaccines, it might be easy to conclude that there may be a connection.
An article from Green Med Info points out a study showing that Impairment Of Oral Tolerance Promoted Allergy And Anaphylaxis In Mice. The article explains the study,
“This study describes how scientists induce a peanut allergy in mice (which don’t get food allergies unless you create one) by administering a peanut extract at the same time as a powerful immune stimulant (in this case extracts of bacteria). Vaccines are powerful immune stimulators and they contain extracts of bacteria and viruses too. Could it be that exposure to certain proteins at the same time as priming the immune system raises the risk of instigating food allergies?
Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky wrote an article on the topic and explains,
“The ingestion of food proteins, that are also found as antigens in vaccines, and are injected into the body and automatically perceived by the immune system as foreign proteins, especially in the presence of an adjuvant like aluminum, is going to contribute to inflammatory symptoms that manifest in a myriad of ways, depending on the genetics and the constitution of each person affected. Some of these immune responses may not be IgE reactions. This is basic Immunology 101.
Peanut allergies are on the rise. Gluten sensitivities are on the rise. By an extension of how much we already know that vaccine food antigens are a likely contributor to the development of food allergies and sensitivities in children and adults, and a contributor to the development of chronic inflammatory symptoms, I believe it is reasonable to question, and seek to prove, whether peanuts and gluten are used somewhere in the vaccine manufacturing process.
I think it would be naive of us to turn our back on the possibility, and even the probability of this link, especially since we can reasonably deduce that the current rise in casein, egg, and soy food allergies, and chronic inflammatory symptoms that improve once these foods are removed from people’s diets, are due to a prior injection of these food antigens in vaccines.
Let’s compare the number of food allergies and sensitivities to dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, and gluten in vaccinated children, to the number seen in unvaccinated children. Maybe it is a clinically significant difference. Or better yet, let’s fund a study that does independent assays on all of the vaccines, looking for the peanut and gluten protein antigens residing inside them. We already know that casein, eggs, soy and yeast are in the vaccines.”
Are Peanut Oil Proteins Still In Vaccines?
In 1964, an article published in the New York Times reported that Merck, a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, patented a peanut oil vaccine adjuvant that would extend immunity.
So is peanut oil – or adjuvant 65-4 – still making its way into the vaccines that are made today?
Some sources say by the 1970s and 1980s, the use of peanut oil in vaccines was a common practice. (Source 1, Source 2)
Dr. Tim O’ Shea explains in an article, why we can’t be 100% sure,
“The first study of peanut allergies was not undertaken until 1973. Soon afterwards, and as a result of attention from that study, manufacturers were no longer required to disclose all the ingredients in vaccines. What is listed in the Physicians Desk Reference in each vaccine section is not the full formula. Same with the inserts. Suddenly after 1973, that detailed information was proprietary: the manufacturers knew it must be protected. Intellectual property. So now they only were required to describe the formula in general.”
In 1976, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Scientific Group released a report that said “Adjuvant 65 as used at present consists of an emulsion of aqueous vaccine in highly refined peanut oil using chemically pure mannide monooleate as the emulsifier and chemically pure aluminum monostearate as the stabilizer.”
The report also goes on to say that “In the case of peanut-oil adjuvant, highly refined peanut oil that is free of peanut proteins is used.”
But can even the most refined peanut oil still contain trace amounts of intact peanut proteins?
This article explains why peanut oil used in penicillin was refined, but still contains trace intact proteins according to the FDA.
“Peanut allergy was first documented in several post-WWII studies of adults and children injected with the new ‘wonder drug’ penicillin. At this time, a challenge existed in that a dose of penicillin would last just a few hours. To prolong the action of this drug, army doctor Cpt. Monroe Romansky mixed it with what was available during wartime peanut oil and beeswax. It was a simple solution the body would metabolize the oil and slowly release the drug into the bloodstream. Unfortunately, Romansky’s formula also sensitized a handful of children and adults to peanuts. To reduce this side effect, the peanut oil was refined to remove as much sensitizing protein as possible. And yet, according to the FDA most highly refined peanut oil contains trace intact proteins 0.014 to 16.7 µg protein/ml oil.”
So, while peanut oil may not be listed as an adjuvant today, how do we know if highly refined peanut oil, leaving trace amounts of intact proteins, is still being used throughout the manufacturing process?
If the manufacturer laws are designed to protect ingredients in products that are deemed “proprietary and intellectual property,” how can we ever know for sure what’s really being ingested or injected for that matter?
Should the rights of the manufacturer take priority over the consumers right to know?
The New 2015 LEAP Study On Peanut Allergy
You may have seen several articles about the new LEAP study published by the New England Journal Of Medicine. It suggests that there is strong scientific evidence that early consumption of peanuts can prevent peanut allergy. Their 5-year study showed that giving infants peanuts reduced the incidence of developing peanut allergy by 80%.
This news is currently plastering the internet. But, former financial and food industry analyst, Robyn O’ Brien, who has been featured on at least 21 major media outlets, recently wrote an article explaining the big problem with the study.
Two of her main points were,
1. The study was funded in part by the National Peanut Board.
2. A skin-prick test, administered to the infants prior to the study, resulted in 10% of infants being removed from the trial because of the potential for a life-threatening allergic reaction.
Regarding the second point, Robyn says,
“That’s like conducting a diabetes study on sugar and throwing out the diabetics before you start. It skews the results, when if the food had been given to the entire population, without pre-screening, the results would have been entirely different.”
I can’t help but wonder why the corporations or manufacturers who are making the products and profiting from them are the ones who conduct and fund studies like these.
Heather Fraser, author of The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, and a mama with a highly allergic child, says she found it easy to get behind Robyn O’ Briens outrage about the LEAP study. In her article, she brings up a good point,
“And so, let’s stop and ask a question the study authors can’t or won’t ever ask: how did the children in the study aged 4 months to 11 months develop their initial allergies that then made them so vulnerable?”
Fraser brings us back, once again, to the safety of adjuvants used in vaccines and whether they have something to do with today’s allergy epidemic that keeps getting worse.
Does The FDA Test Each Vaccine Adjuvant?
The FDA does not evaluate each adjuvant before the vaccine is licensed.
The FDA explains,
“When evaluating a vaccine for safety and efficacy, FDA considers adjuvants as a component of the vaccine; they are not licensed separately.”
In other words, the pharmaceutical companies have yet to conduct studies on whether or not each vaccine ingredient has the potential to cause food allergies – or other autoimmune diseases for that matter.
But there are plenty of other medical professionals who are taking a deeper look into the affects of these ingredients.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), established by the National Academy of Sciences, recently published a report on The Childhood Immunization Schedule And Safety.
The committee summarized their scientific findings in chapter 7 – page 3.
“The committee encountered two major issues. First, the concept of the immunization schedule is not well developed in the scientific literature. Most vaccine research focuses on the health outcomes associated with single immunizations or combinations of vaccines administered at a single visit. Even though each new vaccine is evaluated in the context of the overall immunization schedule that existed at the time of review, individual elements of the schedule are not evaluated once it is adjusted to accommodate a new vaccine. Key elements of the immunization schedule—for example, the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at the time of administration of vaccines—have not been systematically examined in research studies.”
The IOM committee also identified that the field needs “valid and accepted metrics of the entire childhood immunization schedule and clearer definitions of health outcomes linked to populations that are potentially susceptible to adverse events.”
In 1986, when Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, they also released all manufacturers and administers of vaccines from all liability from any injury caused by a vaccine because they are considered to be “unavoidably unsafe.”
Hopefully the pharmaceutical companies will conduct the studies that the IOM committee suggested, before anymore laws are put into place to make the vaccination schedule mandatory for everyone.
Many Question Vaccine Ingredients
Many factors are presented as to what’s contributing to the cause of allergies, eczema, asthma and autoimmunity. The overuse of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, contaminants in our water, nutrition deficiencies, GMOs, environmental toxins and our genetics and biological makeup all play a role in the rise of modern diseases.
But numerous medical professionals, who have researched and studied the safety of vaccines, think the ingredients used (which include antibiotics), are without a doubt, linked to allergies and other autoimmune disorders.
These doctors recognize a strong relationship between an unhealthy gut and many modern diseases.
Neurosurgeon, Russel Blaylock, has compiled evidence about the danger of excessive vaccination during brain development.
In that particular research paper he wrote,
“Studies have also found frequent dysbiosis in autistic children, that is, an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and a loss of beneficial probiotic organisms. It has been demonstrated that Candida organisms can penetrate the gut wall and enter the blood stream were they can be distributed to all tissues and organs, including the brain. The same is true for pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins. These brain implanted organisms act as continuous sources of immune stimulation, which is especially damaging to the brain because of vaccine-triggered microglia priming and/or activation occurring before the gut problem presents itself. Repeated vaccination aggravates this injury. With each subsequent vaccination, the microglia response is enhanced because of the recurrent immune activation by food antigens and microbiological antigens.”
Dr. Robyn Crosford, MB BS FRACNEM explains in an article,
“When we eat protein it is broken down into its constituent amino acids if a foreign animal protein makes it into our bloodstream without having been broken down this can set up an autoimmune type response By injecting things never meant to be in the body we are not only bypassing body defenses but wrongly activating other defenses.
Dr. Viera Scheibner, retired research scientist with a doctorate in Natural Sciences from Comenius University in Bratislava, has collected and studied more than 100,000 pages of medical papers.
Dr. Scheibner explains,
“Vaccines are involved in a great number of modern ills of childhood such as immunoreactive diseases (asthma, allergies), autoimmune diseases (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosis), cancers, leukaemia, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, behavioural and learning problems, to mention just the most important conditions.”
Dr. Harold Buttram, M.D., explains in an article that,
“In essence, the brain might be compared with highly inflammable dry grass or brush enclosed in an area with elevated oxygen levels, needing only a spark to set off a conflagration of inflammatory lipid peroxidation. In all likelihood, vaccine adjuvants provide this spark far more often than generally realized.”
While vaccine ingredients are likely not the only factor involved in the autoimmune issues that we see so often today, there seems to be substantial evidence supporting the need for further research on the topic.
Natural Ways To Reduce Your Child’s Risk Of Food Allergy
Regardless of the cause, as parents, we need to educate ourselves about how our bodies work neurologically, how our immune systems function and the strong relationship that exists between digestion, the immune system and the brain.
The bottom line is – there are things we can do to fix our children’s gut flora, fill their nutrient gaps and get the toxins out of their bodies.
There are also plenty of ways we can avoid some of the toxins that may be overloading their bodies and overstimulating their immune systems.
Vitamin D
Research from the University of Melbourne has determined that “children who had lower levels of vitamin D are more likely to have multiple food allergies.”
Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients and is especially necessary to proper immune function. The Vitamin D Council estimates that nine out of ten people are vitamin D deficient and recent research from Medicinenet.com suggests children and teens may need 10 times more than the recommended dose.
Naturopathic Doctor’s Chris D. Meletis, ND, and Jason Barker, ND, tell us that probiotic supplementation in pregnant women even helps prevent their babies from developing eczema.
Dr. Mercola’s article indicates that Daily supplementation or consumption of probiotic foods may reduce the risk of eczema and allergy in children by 58%.
- Read more about this in this article about how Probiotics During Pregnancy Can Help My Baby
You can get plenty of probiotics naturally from fermented foods. In my opinion, that’s the way to go! However, if you’re like me and don’t have enough time in the world, you may consider a kid’s probiotic supplement.
An international review journal called, Advances In Nutrition, published a study on the benefits of having enough EPA and DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The article explains,
“There is also evidence that mothers who use EPA and DHA supplementation during pregnancy and breastfeeding may protect their children against allergies. This may be due to the fact that fish-oil supplementation has been associated with decreased levels of body cells associated with inflammation and immune response (26). In a study about food allergy and IgE-associated eczema, the period prevalence of food allergy was lower in the maternal EPA+DHA supplementation group compared to placebo (P < 0.05), and the incidence of IgE-associated eczema was also lower in the maternal EPA+DHA supplementation group compared to placebo (P < 0.05) (27).”
Read more about essential fatty acids from fish oil from Natural Healthy Concepts.
Also read this article about Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency – Effects, Symptoms & Sources of Omega-3’s.
Ways To Reduce Your Child’s Risk of Vaccine Injury
If you decide to continue on the vaccination schedule with your children, there are things you can do to lessen the risk of injury. Specific nutrients, the number of vaccines given at one time and the current health of the child should all be taken into account.
The Autism Research Institute has presented some advice to parents who choose, or are mandated, to vaccinate their children. Here are four of their guidelines. (Source)
1. Never Vaccinate A Sick Child
Even if your child has a runny nose or is sick with the common cold – wait. All viruses are immunosuppressive which makes your child more vulnerable to adverse vaccine reactions. Be sure your child is 100% healthy beforehand.
2. Administer Vitamins C & A Before And After Each Vaccination
The ARI suggests parents give 500 mgs of vitamin C every four hours while their child is awake and to also give vitamin A in standard doses.
3. Never Allow More Than 2 Vaccines Per Visit
The ARI also suggests to avoid more than two vaccines per visit and to avoid all combination vaccines.
4. Avoid Sugar Several Days Before & After Vaccines
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains that sugar diminishes the protective activities of the immune system by depressing white blood cells’ ability to destroy bacteria.
Therefore, as a precautionary, The ARI tells parents that all forms of sugar should be avoided several days before and after vaccination.
- Never vaccinate a sick child, even if just a runny nose from a viral infection, as all viruses are immunosuppressive, rendering the child more vulnerable to adverse vaccine reactions.
- Never allow more than two vaccines per visit; avoid all combination vaccines.
- Administer vitamin C before and after each vaccination, ideally in doses of 500 mgs every four hours during waking hours. Also give vitamin A in standard doses.
- All forms of sugar should be avoided for several days before and after vaccines, as sugar has been shown to diminish the protective activities of the immune system by depressing white blood cells’ ability to destroy bacteria.
– See more at: http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2011/06/01/vaccines-and-brain-inflammation/#sthash.tqpAgRDl.dpuf
Folinic acid & Vitamin B12
The Autism Research Institute (ARI) has given some advice to parents about autism. ARI explains,
“One study found that about 12% of mothers of children with autism have antibodies to fetal brain tissue, and those antibodies have been shown to disrupt normal development in animals. Many children with autism have abnormalities in their immune system, and these abnormalities likely contribute to their symptoms. About 70% of the immune system is based in the gut, and children with autism often also have major gut problems.”
For more information on this read How to Treat or Possibly Cure Autism Naturally With A Functional Medicine Approach.
The ARI also explains how folinic acid and vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of having a child with autism.
“One study found that about 40% of mothers of children with autism have abnormalities in both their methylation capacity (turns proteins on/off) and their ability to manufacture glutathione (important antioxidant and defense against toxic metals). Those problems are treatable with folinic acid (a special form of folic acid) and vitamin B12, and may reduce the risk of having a child with autism. These problems are also very common in children with autism, and treatment with folinic acid and vitamin B12 has been shown to improve them.”
There are also precautions that the vaccine manufacturers, the CDC and the Journal of Pediatrics give for whether vaccines should even be administered. If your family has history of allergy, eczema or other immune compromised individuals – they tell you not to vaccinate.
The vaccine package inserts can also help educate you about vaccination risks.
Our Children Are Worth Every Minute
According to Food Allergy Research And Eduction (FARE), 15 million people have food allergies and 6 million of them are young kids.
Wouldn’t you agree, for the health and well-being of our children, that more research needs to be done regarding the common concerns that parents and medical professionals have about vaccine ingredients, antibiotics, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, contaminants in our water and other potentially harmful environmental toxins as they relate to food allergies and autoimmunity?
It’s up to us as parents to keep an open mind, take the time and find credible sources so we can make these important health decisions for ourselves and for the sake of our children.
It will take time – and lots of it. But most parents will agree that their children are worth every minute.
Sources & References:
Allergy Statistics – American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
Vaccine Adjuvants – GreenMedInfo.com
Role Of Sugars In Human Neutrophilic Phagocytosis – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Randomized Trial of Peanut Consumption in Infants At Risk For Peanut Allergy – The New England Journal of Medicine
Immunological Adjuvants – Report of a WHO Scientific Group No. 595
Peanut Oil Used in Vaccines Since the 1960’s – DrPalevsky.com
Vaccines And The Peanut Allergy Epidemic – Dr. Time O’Shea – The Doctor Within
The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development – Russel L. Blaylock, M.D.
Response to Influenza Vaccine in Adjuvant 65-4 – US National Library of Medicine | National Institutes of Health
New Paper Provides Convincing Evidence Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and Related Serious Health Issues is Becoming the Norm not the Exception in US Children – MarketWatch.com
Peanut Allergy – Yet Another Vaccine Related Epidemic – Vaccine Information Network
Vaccine Excipients – CDC
Safety Recommendation for Parents Who Choose or are Mandated to Vaccinate Their Children, Based on Guidelines of the Autism Research Institute
- Never vaccinate a sick child, even if just a runny nose from a viral infection, as all viruses are immunosuppressive, rendering the child more vulnerable to adverse vaccine reactions.
- Never allow more than two vaccines per visit; avoid all combination vaccines.
- Administer vitamin C before and after each vaccination, ideally in doses of 500 mgs every four hours during waking hours. Also give vitamin A in standard doses.
- All forms of sugar should be avoided for several days before and after vaccines, as sugar has been shown to diminish the protective activities of the immune system by depressing white blood cells’ ability to destroy bacteria. [65]
– See more at: http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2011/06/01/vaccines-and-brain-inflammation/#sthash.qUACUklB.dpuf
Vaccines And Brain Inflammtion – VacinationCouncil.org
Vaccinations – Barbfeick.com
The Truth About Vaccinations – NVIC.org
Vaccinations: Parents’ Informed Choice – WestonPrice.org
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic Is A Man-Made Epidemic Caused By Vaccinations – opposingviews.com
Peanut Oil Additive Found To Improve Flu Shot’s Potency – New York Times
Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm – Vaccine Impact
The peanut allergy epidemic may have been precipitated by pediatric injections
Background on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – Mary Holland, JD, and Robert Krakow, JD
Allergies – The Threshold of Reactivity – Dr. Tim O’ Shea
The Prevalence, Severity, and Distribution of Childhood Food Allergy in The United States – The Journal of Pediatrics
Peanut Allergy Treatment – Mercola.com
Food Allergy Among U.S. Children: Trends in Prevalence and Hospitalizations – CDC National Center Health Statistics
6 Reasons I Won’t Give My Kids Nasal Flu Vaccine – Green Med Info
33. Blaylock RI, The danger of excessive vaccination during brain development, Medical Veritas, 2008; 5(1): 1727-1741.
34. Blaylock, RI. Chronic microglial activation and excitotoxicity secondary to excessive immune stimulation: possible factors in Gulf War Syndrome and autism. Journal American Physians and Surgeons, 2004; 9(2):46-52.
35. Blaylock RI. Vaccines, depression and neurodegeneration after age 50: Another reason to avoid the recommended vaccines. VRAN Newsletter, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network Inc. Spring, 2008; lead article. 1991; 230(1): 22-37.
– See more at: http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2011/06/01/vaccines-and-brain-inflammation/#sthash.1V2ZjXkU.dpuf
Vaccine Doses Poster – NVIC
The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence, and Future Studies – Institute of Medicine
Science For Sale | The Funding Behind The Latest Study On Peanut Allergy – Robynobrien.com
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic May Have Been Precipitated By Pediatric Injections – SmartVax.com
Vaccine-Induced Allergies – SmartVax.com