Studies show that more than 50% of men over the age of 70 struggle with prostate issues including an enlarged prostate (also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH), prostate infections, and even prostate cancer. Men who are seeking out a natural way to support a healthy prostate may want to look into taking saw palmetto supplements. Some natural health practitioners believe that saw palmetto benefits may include easing the discomfort associated with an enlarged prostate and other men’s health struggles. Read on to learn more about how incorporating saw palmetto into your supplement routine may support a healthy aging prostate.
What is Saw Palmetto?
The saw palmetto plant is a small palm tree that grows in the southeastern parts of the U.S. It was used by the Seminole tribe of Florida as a food source, particularly the berries which are yellow when growing from the flower, but turn a dark reddish-brown when ripe. Over the past century, saw palmetto has been used to support men’s health issues ranging from erectile dysfunction to hair loss. Science has struggled to understand exactly how saw palmetto berries may support a healthy prostate, although recent theories speculate that saw palmetto may help block the 5-alpha-reductase that turns testosterone into DHT. DHT causes hair loss and an enlarged prostate in men and can also lead to decreased healthy testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Saw palmetto berries are also rich in high molecular weight polysaccharides (or sugars) and may help promote a healthy internal response.
Saw Palmetto Benefits For Men’s Health
There are several potential saw palmetto benefits for men’s health. Research shows that saw palmetto may ease the urinary issues associated with BPH or an enlarged prostate. Although research shows that saw palmetto doesn’t shrink the size of an enlarged prostate due to BPH, it may temporarily ease minor discomfort in men struggling with urination.
Other studies have been conducted to understand the correlation between saw palmetto and hair growth. Due to its ability support the body in blocking testosterone conversion into DHT, many believe that these supplements may support the health of hair follicles.
Research is still developing on the correlation between saw palmetto and its effect on libido, as well as migraines and chronic pelvic pain, but further studies are warranted.
How To Experience Potential Saw Palmetto Benefits
Saw palmetto is harvested when the berries are reddish brown and are then is extracted or dried and used in powdered form. For BPH support, the dosing recommendations vary. Generally, experts recommend taking between 160 and 320 milligrams per dose. However, it’s best to first check with your doctor before implementing a new supplement into your routine, especially if you’re taking other prescription medications which may negatively interact with saw palmetto. Experts suggest that you not self-treat for BPH with saw palmetto. Instead, consult with your healthcare provider first.
Saw Palmetto Products from NHC
Natural Healthy Concepts stocks a wide range of saw palmetto supplements to support men’s health. Ultra Uni-Pros-Trol by Douglas Laboratories is a natural supplement that supports prostate health with saw palmetto, plant sterols, vitamin E, zinc, nettle, pygeum, lycopene, and lutein. Pros-Forte Advanced Formula by Integrative Therapeutics is a nutritional supplement that promotes prostate and urinary tract health. It contains sterols, fatty acids, and stinging nettle extract, which also support urinary tract and prostate health when combined with saw palmetto berry.
Have you experienced these men’s saw palmetto benefits in your own life? Share your experiences, or leave your questions in the comments section below.