Natural Dog Health Resources


Are you passionate about natural health for you and your family? Well, don’t forget about your furry family members! Take care of your dogs – and cats – with some advice from pet magazines and blogs that are dedicated to wellness and natural health.

We’ve done the legwork for you and compiled a list of resources you’ll want to check out.


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Modern and stylish, this magazine covers every aspect of raising a happy, healthy dog the natural way. It’s built on four pillars:

  1. Natural Health
  2. Natural Nutrition
  3. Active Lifestyle
  4. Positive Training

It also helps dog-lovers connect with dog culture, from interviews with celebrity pet-owners, to features on unique or special dogs.

Plus, issues also include a bonus section devoted to cat health. You can also get a digital subscription to Feline Wellness.

Subscribe here.


Dogs NaturallyBrogan-on-Dogs-Naturally2

Another good dog magazine, this one places more emphasis on the health portion of owning a dog, including specific conditions and herbs and nutrients. If you prefer less “fluff” and are more concerned about veterinary topics than cute pictures and celebrities, this is probably the magazine for you.

Go and take a look at their website.





Whole Dog Journal

As the name implies, this one is less of a magazine and more of a journal. Styled a bit like a newsletter and three-hole punched so you can easily save useful issues or pages, it’s a no-frills publication with a small-town feeling.

You can subscribe here.




Blogs and Internet Resources

Healthy Pets with Dr. Karen Becker

If you’re a fan of Dr. Mercola, you’ll love this site. Part of Mercola’s website, this pet-specific portion features the expertise of integrative wellness veterinarian, Karen Becker. It has tons of information on common pet health concerns, and even helpful videos like the one I shared in our post about dogs and coconut oil.

Follow this link to the blog.

If you like what you see, check out our pet products category to see some of the Mercola pet products we have to offer, like probiotics and a greens supplement.



8879ce5ab48f232406761b6ad8c4ffa6_400x400A great natural pet product company specializing in non-toxic, natural pest control, Wondercide also has an informative – and often adorable – blog. Check it out here and take a look at the Wondercide products we sell here.





Pet Wellbeing

petwellbeing-logoIf you’re into herbs and other natural remedies, you’ll want to check out Pet Wellbeing’s blog. Their team of experts, headed by Janice Huntingford, DVM, provide great herbal products and advice for taking care of both dogs and cats.

They also have a nice “Ask the Expert” feature that allows you to send your questions directly to Dr. Jan and her qualified staff.

Check out their products here.


Pet Naturals of Vermont

header_logoOne of our newest lines of pet products here at NHC, Pet Naturals of Vermont creates supplements and lots of functional treats for both cats and dogs. They also have a blog that can help answer all those “I wonder if” questions about your pets, even cute little guys like rabbits! Check it out!

And go ahead and browse through their products here.


And don’t forget about us! Check out some of our other pet posts or subscribe to our blog!