If you’re familiar with supplements and holistic health, you’ve learned the
importance of getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. However, you
may not be as familiar with omega-7 fatty acids. There are four types of omega fatty acids, and sea buckthorn is the only plant known to contain them all.
This article aims to help you answer the question, what is omega 7 good for?
What Are the Benefits of Taking Omega-7?
Sea Buckthorn, also known as Hippophae rhamnoides is a plant with leaves and berries that contain omega-7. In addition to omega-7, this plant is also a good source of other nutrients, including:
• Vitamins A, C, K, and E
• Plant phytosterols have been shown to block the absorption of cholesterol
• Minerals like magnesium, zinc, calcium, and potassium Palmitoleic acid helps to balance blood levels
What is Omega 7 Good For?
Wondering about the benefits of omega-7 and sea buckthorn oil? Here are several health benefits that may give you reason to try it for yourself.
Skin Health
As a source of palmitoleic acid and linoleic acid, sea buckthorn oil has long
been used in skin care. It is also a significant source of vitamins K and E,
which have shown to be effective in moisturizing skin. For all these reasons
and more, sea buckthorn oil is often found in anti-aging creams, lotions, and
other skincare products.
Chronic Dry Eyes
Due to the high concentration of omega fatty acids, sea buckthorn oil is
helpful in the treatment of dry eyes. Omega 7 Dry Eye Relief from Terry Naturally is a sea buckthorn supplement that may help with eye moisture production and mucous membrane health, reducing dry eye discomfort. This formula provides essential fatty acids, including 90 mg of omega-9, 150 mg of omega-7, 85 mg of omega-6, and 65 mg of omega-3.
Omega-7 supplements are one way to get more omega fatty acids when your diet
lacks fish oil and other nutrients you need each day. These fish oils may be
ideal for eye comfort.
Heart Health
As a source of phytosterols, sea buckthorn oil and omega-7 may support healthy
cholesterol levels and the regulation of HDL and LDL triglycerides. These
nutrients have been shown to help with plaque breakup and could prevent bad
cholesterol absorption. For these reasons, sea buckthorn oil may be ideal for
cardiovascular support, and support of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Cellular Health
Sea buckthorn oil is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which are beneficial
in preventing cancerous cells. The quercetin found in sea buckthorn oil may play a role in killing cancerous cells, but more research is needed.
Liver Health
The healthy fats and omega-7 found in sea buckthorn oil have been shown to
protect the liver. Research has shown that individuals with cirrhosis of the liver had improved blood markers after supplementing with sea buckthorn oil.
How Much Omega-7 Should I Take Daily?
There is no established recommended daily dose for omega-7s. In supplements,
omega-7 doses can range from 150 mg to dosages at higher levels. Higher doses
may be necessary for some people to see results. Never take more than what the
product label suggests. Consult with your primary care physician to learn
Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil Benefits
Turns out that sea buckthorn benefits are numerous and may be an ideal
supportive aid for various health concerns. However, only you and your primary
healthcare provider know for sure. If you suspect any of the ailments
discussed in this article, or are concerned about drug interactions, be sure
to talk with your health care team to ensure you’re all on the same