MCT oil or coconut oil? Which one would you rather add to your diet? Both have many similarities, but they aren’t quite the same.
This article will look at the benefits of both, so you can decide which you should be putting in your cart the next time you shop.
MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil: What’s the Difference?
MCT oil has a 100% consistency of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides). MCTs are a form of saturated fat with a shorter chain of carbon atoms than some other saturated fats. The shorter length means MCTs are digested quickly and transported directly to the liver where they are used for energy.
MCTs can also be converted into ketones which are created by the liver when the liver breaks down fat. These ketones are used as brain energy and can be a healthy alternative to sugar and glucose.
Coconut oils are high in MCTs, but they are not consistency as high as MCT oil. A coconut oil has 90% saturated fats with about 50% being MCTs. It has about 9% unsaturated fat.
Both coconut oil and MCTs can be used for cooking and can be found in supplemental form. Coconut oil can also be found in some haircare and skincare products.
5 Benefits of MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil
Because both MCT oil and coconut oil are high in MCTs, they yield similar benefits. Here are some to consider.
1) Good for a Ketogenic Diet
Both MCT oil and coconut oil are a healthy part of a ketogenic diet which is high in fats and low in carbohydrates. While both oils help a person feel fuller longer, MCT oil has a greater effect on feelings of fullness.
2) Lowers Bad Cholesterol
MCTs have been shown to lower bad cholesterol. However, studies conducted used MCTs, not MCT oil. More studies must be performed to determine how the oil can be effective in boosting heart health.
3) Improves Cognitive Function
People get their brain energy from glucose. However, people with a chronic illness may not be able to use glucose as effectively for this purpose. Research has shown that the ketones produced by MCTs can work as an alternate energy source for these people.
4) Weight Loss and Maintenance
MCTs ability to increase feelings of fullness make it a recommended diet component for people who are looking to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy weight.
5) Supplemental Sources of MCT Oil
If you are thinking of adding more MCTs to your diet, it’s important to source it from a brand you can trust. That way you know you are getting pure, potent ingredients that will be beneficial in boosting health. Carlson Labs MCT Oil 14,000 Mg. is recommended.
Carlson Labs is a family-owned business that has been producing high quality supplements since 1965. Their MCT Oil is derived from pure coconut oil and is effective in improving fat metabolism, increasing energy levels and supporting brain health. A single teaspoon contains 14,000 mg of MCTs that are transported directly to the liver and converted to energy.
MCTs are a great way to improve your health. Now you know the differences between MCT oil vs. coconut oil, as well as the similarities. Both coconut oil and MCT oil are great MCT sources. Which will you be adding to your diet?