Congress is dangerously close to passing the sleazy Food Safety Accountability Act of 2010, S. 3767 (check out our September 22nd blog for more details). Our Senate Judiciary Committee considered the bill in its Executive Business Meeting late yesterday then amended it! The good news is that our public opposition must have been acknowledged by some of the Senate leadership resulting in the bill being amended (with some small limits on bureaucratic discretion). In 24 hours, 43,475 emails were sent to our U.S. Senators saying – STOP! DO NOT CRIMINALIZE THE DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD!
The bad news is that, despite the amendment, the bill is still on the floor! The current session of Congress is not over yet – it adjourns October 7th. Rumor in Washington is that S.3767 was rushed through the Senate Judiciary Committee to get to the Senate floor. Our food safety and the livelihood of our local farmers, ranchers, crop & fruit growers and producers of natural food and supplements are seriously in jeopardy with our lawmakers acting quickly and secretively like a pirate ship in the dark.
WRITE YOUR SENATOR TO OPPOSE & OPPOSE! If Congress is going to make laws on “food safety” this year, it ought to be to protect our Food Freedom, the Food Freedom Amendment, as vehemently voiced and recommended by Health Freedom Action.
“For more than a year, the plan to capture – and kill – clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming and ranching has been wending its way through Congress.” Time is critical to stop the plan!