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How Whole Food Supplements Use Nature To Support Health

whole food supplement

Whole food supplements follow a simple idea that nature is wise and provides everything we need to achieve our best self. In practical terms, whole food supplements provide more of the good stuff found in plants, like macronutrients, that may not be found with products made in a laboratory.

Finding quality whole food supplements is easy too when you shop established brands like New Chapter. They are trusted because of the unique whole food fermentation process they use for every product, and the strict testing processes and standards that ensure potency and purity before a supplement ever touches your tongue.

Keep reading to learn why getting nutrients from whole foods should matter to you, and how New Chapter supplements may be the best place to start for a new diet or when seeking to support a healthy body.

What is a Whole Food Diet?

A whole food diet takes many forms, but the Whole30 diet is one of the most popular. This diet sets out to change the way you feel and eat in 30 days by removing any foods that may contribute to inflammation. The result? You eat “clean” for 30 days and may lose weight, look and feel better, and think more clearly. More than that, it teaches that “filling up” on foods you might have otherwise thought to be too light and “healthy” can actually be great replacements for your typical diet.

Additionally, whole food diets seek to reduce or cut out anything processed, provide optimal nutrition per serving, promote sustainable food practices, and try to put the body and mind into a healthier state.

So now that we understand eating whole foods, what makes whole food supplements special?

The Making of Whole Food Supplements

New Chapter makes supplements using a unique fermentation process that seeks to optimize the nutritional and potential medicinal benefits of each supplement. This is thanks to the more than 50 ingredients they use across the brand’s entire product line.

Featured ingredients include:

  • Turmeric from suppliers in India, the native region for the plant.
  • Elderberry that is strained of its sugar molecules.
  • Astaxanthin from algae found in select regions of Asia.
  • Reishi from select mushroom strains located in the North Eastern U.S.
  • Fish oil from wild-caught Alaskan salmon.
  • Plant calcium from algae off the coast of Iceland.


After selecting choice ingredients, they go through a 7-step fermentation process as described below:

  1. Organic yeast is mixed with the chosen plant parts; the mixture begins to break down into its core components.
  2. Select vitamins and minerals are added to balance the yeast solution.
  3. Organic and non-GMO soy and plants that aid fermentation such as alfalfa, carrots, or orange peel are added.
  4. The organic yeast takes on a new form after bringing together the vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients.
  5. The fermentation process slows after adding enzymes from tropical fruit.
  6. L. acidophilus, B. bi?dum, and L. rhamnosus bacteria are added; low heat is applied to the entire solution, and the fermentation process is ended.
  7. The completed solution is added to each supplement or mixed with others to create unique blends depending on individual needs and life stages.


This process can take weeks, but the result is a formula that follows New Chapter’s principles and desire to do good. To ensure that everything goes as planned and all formulas meet or exceed standards for quality and potency, the company works with holistic practitioners, naturopaths, nutritionists, and herbalists to decide the best balance of ingredients.

Additionally, a team of scientists, clinical physicians, toxicologist, natural product chemists, and quality engineers sign off on every raw ingredient and the final product to verify the identity of the plant, and that there are no heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, or other errors before, during, or after production.

New Chapter supplements are a great place to start if you if you’re looking to begin a whole food lifestyle. Thanks to the use of whole foods and high standards for ingredients and fermentation, every supplement can help to get you thinking smarter about your food choices while also providing support for your daily health and wellness goals!