Medical knowledge and anatomical understanding have made huge strides in the last 200 years. But before there was modern medicine there were ancient traditions of healing and knowing the body. One rich tradition of wellness and understanding is known as Ayurveda, which when broken down means “knowledge of life.”
The Ayurvedic tradition is a holistic practice which focuses on maintaining health by focusing on the wellness and connection of the mind, body and spirit. Keep reading to learn more about ayurveda and how you can use its wisdom in your modern life.
The Basics of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicine was born in India more than 3,000 years ago and has roots in both scientific and spiritual traditions. Ayurveda focuses on bringing things into balance, with the belief that health, fertility, and happiness rely on balance with creation. This belief stems from the idea that everything is comprised of 5 elements – fire, air, water, space, and earth. When the body is in harmony with creation, is it healthy, and when it’s out of balance, illness grows.
The 3 Doshas
The Ayurvedic tradition believes our personalities and tendencies are decided at birth and refers to this as the “prakriti.” An individual’s prakriti is formed by the three fundamental energies in the body, which are known as doshas.
The Vata dosha is the most powerful of the three, believed to control cells, heart, and blood. The Pitta dosha controls digestion, metabolism, and hormones and is easily disrupted by an unbalanced diet. Finally, the Kapha dosha controls growth, movement, and immunity and is thrown off by poor sleep or too much sugar.
Beginning the Ayurvedic Practice
If you want to implement the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine in your life, it’s best to start with self knowledge. This includes paying attention to what foods make you feel well and balanced and which cause disruption. These keys will help you understand your primary life force, or dosha. You may also want to meet with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can guide you into a better understanding.
The Importance of Herbal Supplements
Another key piece of Ayurveda is herbal supplements which serve to correct imbalances and bring healing and wellness. Banyan Botanicals is a trusted natural health brand that offers quality supplements formulated on the practice of Ayurveda.
Turmeric was widely used in Ayurveda and is gaining popularity among modern practitioners. This supplement is rich in curcumin and antioxidants, which may support healthy circulation, respiration, digestion, a balanced mood and more.
One of the most prized herbal medicines in Ayurveda, ashwagandha is a renewing and adaptogenic herb which may ease stress, balance hormones, and support energy.
One of the staples of Ayurveda, chyawanprash is an herbal tonic consisting of a mixture of ghee, oils, honey, berries, and spices. It is believed to support brain function, a healthy internal response, graceful aging, and reproduction.
Chaste Tree
While chaste tree wasn’t used in Ayurveda originally, it’s a relative of the vitex negundo herb which was widely used in Ayurvedic practice. Chaste tree can be used to support reproductive balance in both men and women and may also support a healthy internal response.
Shilajit Resin
This black resin is harvested from the high mountain regions of India and has a rich history of healing in the Ayurvedic tradition. Shilajit is believed to support urinary tract health, sexual function, and more.
This plant is closely related to asparagus and was used in Ayurvedic traditions for supporting new mothers with healthy lactation. However, shatavari is also rich in antioxidants and is currently being used to balance stress, anxiety, and digestion.
How do you draw upon the wisdom of Ayurveda to bring balance and wellness?