If you want to get off caffeine once and for all, you need to start eating smarter every morning.
Here is a list of some of the best food items that can give you the energy and focus you want to help you kick that desire to drink caffeine once and for all.
Bananas have great flavor, texture, and so many amazing uses – banana bread, anyone?
Bananas are also relatively inexpensive and provide a great source of potassium, which is both a mineral and electrolyte that helps the body and brain to communicate. Bananas also contain more than 100 calories from fiber and carbohydrates for energy to get you through to lunchtime. Eating a banana will also help you to get essential vitamins that help the body to create energy and for the brain to function at its best.
Yes, bananas are a bit unpredictable and can go mushy overnight, but all the better for your new favorite banana bread recipe!
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have been a food staple dating back to ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Each serving (1 oz) contains around 11 grams of fiber, plus protein, good fats, calcium, and essential minerals like manganese and phosphorus. With 137 calories per serving, they also provide energy without making you feel full.
As a morning food, chia seeds provide a good source of energy and important fiber to help keep your gut working throughout the day. Even better, you can add them to your greek yogurt, which we’ll look at in the next section.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt has become increasingly popular over the prior few years, with production more than quadrupling from 2008. Why the love for this yogurt? Unlike more traditional yogurts, the Greek variety can have up to or more than 17 grams of protein per serving. Greek yogurt also does not contain lactose; but it does have more carbohydrates and a more tart taste that might be enough for you to avoid adding candies or other sweeteners.
As for the chia seeds, sprinkle them on top for added flavor and nutrition.
Salmon contains a lot of nutrients, like omega-3s, good fats, protein, and many of the vitamins and minerals you need each day. It’s a great food to start the day, but be careful about where you get your fish. Some stores carry fish that are raised on farms or waters that contain high levels of mercury and other contaminants. If eating from these sources, limit your intake to two or three times a week.
You may also consider combining your salmon with avocado, as you’ll see below.
You may be noticing a trend that ideal breakfast foods contain good fats, vitamins, and fiber. Avocado is another example of this. You can put avocado in a protein smoothie, spread it on some toast, or layer it with you salmon between a  golden piece of toast for an amazing combination of carbohydrates and many other nutrients you need to get through the day.
Oatmeal, especially the steel cut variety, can help you to meet your dietary fiber goals, as well as promote bowel regularity, abdominal comfort, and provide a sustained release of energy. The thing about caffeine is that it gives you a short burst of energy, but then you crash. Fiber does the opposite; providing a slow release of energy that is enough to complete tasks and maintain focus when you need it most.
It’s also a great idea to add a little cinnamon or dark chocolate for added antioxidant support!
Yes, water gives you energy in the morning. After waking up, you’re likely a little dehydrated. Since many of the metabolic processes in your body require water, you’ll want to drink a full glass first thing. It is preferable that you drink it before eating to help fill you up so you don’t overeat for your first meal.
Other ideal sources of water include fresh fruit and vegetables.
Don’t Forget Sleep
Too many people use caffeine to compensate for the lack of sleep they are getting each night. Sleep disturbances aren’t always something you can avoid (people with kids raise your hands), but you can still choose the right foods so that when you do finally get the rest you need, your body will be in tip-top shape and ready to take advantage of those extra Zzzzs.