Modern agricultural companies, which came onto the scene during World War II to find new uses for military chemicals – let that sink in for a moment – have conditioned us to see weeds, such as dandelions on a lawn, as a bad thing. They then sell us the “answer” to the problem, in the form of everyday lawn care products such as RoundUp, which contain toxic chemicals like the herbicide glyphosate.
This article will explore the health risks associated with glyphosate exposure and provide guidance on how to detox glyphosate from your body naturally.
How Glyphosate Works in the Body
While we know it as a weed-killer, glyphosate was actually first patented as a metal chelator (remover) to clear out pipes because it binds to minerals, such as calcium. Unfortunately, inside our bodies, it can cause harm:
- Mineral Depletion. When taken into the body, glyphosate binds to and depletes minerals-essential minerals that we need to stay strong and healthy.
- Effects on Gut Bacteria. In addition to depleting our minerals, glyphosate also attacks our microbiome-the gut flora that plays a key role in our health and immune system function. It kills off beneficial bacteria, allowing for the bad bacteria, like disease causing bacteria E.coli and Salmonella to take hold and thrive.
Health Risks of Glyphosate
You may be thinking, well, I don’t drink RoundUp – what does it matter?
While you would never purposely add it to your food or drinking water, you’re probably still consuming it everyday. This is because glyphosate is the most commonly used agricultural pesticide in the world, in industrial farming as well as home lawns and gardens. In fact, it is used so heavily it is now detected in rain samples and ground water.
This is a significant concern because of how toxic and widespread it is. It is also very insidious because it doesn’t immediately seem to cause health problems, and many people don’t make the connection between it and long term health problems such as cancer, neurological damage, autoimmune disease, thyroid issues and leaky gut to which it is linked.
Glyphosate poses an enormous health risk because of our constant, ongoing exposure. And though each instance of contact with glyphosate may seem small, it and its effects accumulate in our bodies over time.
The other reason glyphosate is so harmful to us is because it is able to mimic other essential nutrients, which tricks our bodies into storing it. This puts us at a higher risk for health issues, such as:
- Deficiencies in essential minerals
- Overgrowth of pathogens in the gut (“leaky gut”)
- Chronic inflammation
- Decreased immune function
- Disruption of vital biochemical processes (like detox methylation), which can lead to toxin overload, autoimmune disease and cancer
- Reduced neurotransmitter production, which can cause depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline
How to Detox Glyphosate Naturally
Unfortunately, glyphosate is virtually impossible to avoid but you can learn how to detox glyphosate. Also, there are things you can do to minimize your exposure and protect your body from its toxic long term effects and subsequent health problems. In addition to choosing organic foods and lawn care, the following naturally defend our bodies from glyphosate:
- Humic/fulvic Acid. Humic/fulvic acid naturally occurs in soil, rock sediment and bodies of water that contain trace minerals. Humic acids are capable of binding to and breaking down toxins and metals in the gut. Very nourishing to the digestive tract and microbiome.
- Citrus Pectin. Citrus pectin is a soluble fiber known to detoxify heavy metals and clear cholesterol through its superior binding powers. Try Allergy Research Group Modified Citrus Pectin, available from Natural Healthy Concepts.
- Alginates. Alginates (kelp) has proven to protect against pesticide toxicity and effectively remove heavy metals and toxins.
- Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo biloba is an ancient herb found to be a powerful protector against glyphosate toxicity. To add some easily to your diet, try Cardiovascular Research Ginkgo Biloba, which also supports brain health and blood circulation.
- Organic Icelandic Kelp. Organic Icelandic kelp is a rich source of protective minerals including iodine, which prevents the absorption of radioactive ions and toxic pesticide halogens like fluoride, bromide, and chlorine.
- Glycine. Glycine is an amino acid needed to create glutathione – a powerful detoxifier and antioxidant that also protects the liver against toxicity. Interestingly, the body can mistake glyphosate for glycine during protein synthesis, tricking it into storing toxic glyphosate in tissues and organs. By supplementing with extra glycine, we can prevent glyphosate from being stored, enhance glutathione activity, and help support healthy protein production. The top glycine-rich sources include collagen and bone broth, but it’s also found in legumes, meat, dairy, poultry, eggs and fish. Even some fruits and vegetables contain glycine, like spinach, cabbage, kale, bananas and cauliflower. For a related dietary supplement, try Thorne Research Glycine, which doubles as a natural mood booster, since glycine is a calming amino acid and neurotransmitter that also supports cell health.
- Probiotics and Prebiotics. Probiotics and prebiotics are needed to restore beneficial gut bacteria killed off by glyphosate.
- Fermented Foods. Fermented foods are a good source of probiotics, and the acetobacter species in fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha, kefir, raw apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut have been shown to help break down glyphosate.
Not sure why to get started? CodeAge Fermented Digestive Enzymes is a vegan dietary supplement that contains organic digestive enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotics to support digestive health.
For an overall detox from glyphosate and other agricultural and environmental, also try EcoNugenics GlyphoDetox and Researched Nutritionals ToxinPul, which also helps clear heavy metals from the body and supports liver function.
Keep in mind that you may want to discuss your health with a professional health care provider to determine the best detox methods for you.
Glyphosate is a pervasive and insidious toxin that poses serious long-term health risks. To minimize your exposure, choose organic foods and lawn care products whenever possible. Additionally, including certain foods and supplements in your diet can help defend your body against glyphosate’s deleterious effects. By following the advice in this article on how to detox glyphosate, you can take proactive steps to protect your health in our increasingly toxic world.
- Dr Christiane Northrup. Health Benefits of Dandelions.
- Dr Issac Eliaz. Everyday Pesticide Detox and Defense.
- Dr Issac Eliaz. How to Protect Yourself from Health-Robbing Toxins.
- Dr Josh Axe. Glyphosate Toxicity Alert.