Hooray! The warmer weather is here! Boo, so are the bugs! It’s unfortunate that we can’t have one without the other, but there are easy DEET-free ways to protect your family from bites this summer. So, why go DEET-free? Read ahead to find out more.
What is DEET?
DEET is a yellowish liquid chemical that was created by the USDA and chemists in the 1940s. It’s highly effective at repelling bugs when applied to the skin or clothing. In fact, it’s the most used form of insect repellent in the U.S. The problem is, the safety of DEET has become a concern for many, after reports of DEET toxicity, leading to seizures, brain damage, and even deaths have occurred.
Other studies have shown that DEET exposure has a negative impact on the nervous system by inhibiting the activity of a key central nervous system enzyme known as acetylcholinesterase. That’s why many families opt to go DEET-free to be safe.
Is DEET-Free as Effective?
Products that contain DEET are not the only way to repel pesky insects. Natural products, such as Buzz Away Extreme by Quantum Health, containing essential oils such as soy bean and geranium, work just as well at protecting you from mosquitoes, black flies, and even ticks. It’s even water and sweat proof! Here are some other natural options when it comes to DEET-free protection from insects:
Insect Repelling Band by BugBand – This unique insect repellent comes in the form of a plastic band that can be worn around your wrist, ankles, or belt loops to keep pesky bugs away.
Kids Herbal Armor Natural Insect Repellent by All Terrain – This is a great DEET-free spray option for kids and helps repel mosquitoes, ticks, and flies. The formula contains oils such as citronella, peppermint essential oil, and cedar for great protection that’s safe for sensitive skin. This brand also comes in an adult formula.
Buzz Away Extreme Towelettes from Quantum Health – These convenient towelettes provide effective DEET-free protection that is super easy to apply and take on-the-go.
DEET isn’t the only option when it comes to protecting you and your family from itchy mosquitoes and dangerous tick bites. DEET-free options are highly effective and safe to use directly on your skin. So why take the risk? What DEET-free options are your favorites for insect repellants? Tell us in the comments below!