prenatal vitamins

The best prenatal vitamins contain essential nutrients that women who are pregnant or are looking to get pregnant may need to support their own bodies and fetal development.

Unlike conventional vitamins, prenatal vitamins may contain a blend of nutrients that research suggests us essential during pregnancy. An example of this is folic acid that has been found to help prevent certain birth defects. In fact, some guidelines suggest starting use of a folic acid supplement one month prior to conception.

Learn more about prenatal vitamins below and the brands that NHC recommends for your individual needs!

Nutrients that Prenatal Vitamins Provide

Prenatal vitamins are similar to multivitamins, meaning that they may potentially provide up to 100% or more of the essential vitamins your body needs each day. Using a supplement for these nutrients may be essential if there are nutritional gaps in your diet or as a result of dietary restrictions.Prenatal vitamins are sometimes formulated differently, and may include additional folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamin D. These nutrients may be more important to maintaining the health of the mother, and to support the development of fetal tissue.

The physician helping you through your pregnancy may also recommend supplements that provide additional vitamin A, C, E, and minerals like zinc, iodine, and copper. However, what nutrients you take and in what quantity will depend on your needs. Always speak with your physician about dosing, dietary concerns, and any other health concerns.

Other Nutrients You May Need

Prenatal vitamins and multivitamins generally do not contain omega-3 fatty acids, yet they may be important for fetal brain development. Good sources of omega-3s include fish and flaxseed, either as a food or in supplements.During the third trimester, the rate of bone development increases rapidly, so calcium and vitamin D may become more important. Dairy is a good source of calcium and other nutrients, and just a few minutes of exposure to sunlight may be enough to meet your vitamin D needs for the day.

Finally, make sure you drink enough fluids, eat more fiber from vegetables and whole grains, maintain healthy levels of physical activity, and if you experience bowel problems, talk with your doctor about probiotics, dietary fiber, or other ways to support the gut.

NHC’s Choice for Prenatal Vitamins

After reading up about the nutritional needs of women who have become pregnant or are looking to get pregnant, you should speak with a physician about your individual needs, the risks, how to create a birth plan, and what supplements you may consider using.The best prenatal vitamin will be the one that helps you to reach your nutritional goals each day. Food should always be your primary source of nutrients, but if you need additional support, you should shop one of these trusted and high quality brands.

  • New Chapter offers the whole food formula Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin with essential vitamins and minerals from fruits, vegetables, green plants, and more!
  • Integrative Therapeutics’ Prenatal Forte includes vitamins and minerals, and plant enzymes and herbs to help support digestion.
  • Nordic Naturals provides essential omega-3 fatty acid with Prenatal DHA. This formula does not contain any vitamins and minerals, so combine this supplement with a prenatal vitamin and mineral formula for optimal support.
  • Pure Encapsulations’ PreNatal Nutrients is a vitamin and mineral formula that also seeks to support milk production in lactating women.
  • Metagenics formulates Fem Prenatal Gentle Vitamin & Mineral Support for Pregnant Women with the goal of providing support that is gentle and individually packaged for convenient dosing.

Prenatal vitamins are one part of a healthy pregnancy. When looking to support your nutritional needs, start by shopping at Our certified nutritionist vets every brand and product to ensure potency, purity, and quality so you know you are receiving a product you can trust.