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5 Unique Boswellia Health Benefits

boswellia health benefits
Learn about 5 unique boswellia health benefits!

When most people think of ways to deal with stiff swollen joints, it usually involves taking a type of NSAID pain reliever like ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen. But what if there was a natural herb that may give you similar results? Would you take it? If your answer is yes, you might want to read ahead to learn about five unique boswellia health benefits!

What is Boswellia?

You may have heard of boswellia before, but you just didn’t realize it. Sometimes it’s also referred to as Indian frankincense. It’s an herbal extract taken from the Boswellia serrata tree that is traditionally found in the Middle East and parts of Northern Africa. For centuries, it’s been used by herbalists as a way to help the body naturally regulate a healthy inflammatory response. Because of this seemingly unique effect, it may also be useful at helping with a number of other health conditions.

Five Unique Boswellia Health Benefits

01. May Soothe Knee Pain and Promote Flexibility – Sore, swollen knees and joints are common complaints as we get older. The problems can often start sooner for many athletes and those with rigorous exercise habits. Those affected often turn to over-the-counter pain relievers to temporarily reduce discomfort and swelling. However, recent studies show that using boswellia in place of NSAID medications may have the same, if not better, effects at helping to temporarily alleviate some of these symptoms. Furthermore, some users have even reported that they’ve noticed more flexibility in the affected areas, which leads some researchers to believe it could have positive effect on cartilage loss. If you’re looking for help in this area, try Life-flo’s Boswellia Cream or Inflammation Tincture by Nutritional Frontiers and see how it affects you!

02. May Promote Healthy Management of Irritable Bowels – People who struggle with chronic illnesses that cause muscle and tissue irritation in the colon and bowels have reported progress at dealing with their illness while using boswellia. Some users have reported less bloating and pain associated with upset stomach and fewer trips to the bathroom as a result of chronic diarrhea. Some researchers even believe boswellia health benefits may include assisting in the rebuilding and maintenance of a normally functioning digestive system.

03. May Assist in Stabilizing Irritated Bronchial Muscles – When the muscles lining our lungs swell and begin to constrict involuntarily, it can put a strain on the respiratory system and become hard to breath. Those who suffer from this type of illness may find relief with boswellia. Studies show patients who took boswellia three times a day for six weeks reported feeling better and had fewer negative respiratory symptoms. For help with this specific issue, try BosMed Respiratory Support from Terry Naturally.

04. May Elevate a Healthy Mood – Some studies show that when Indian frankincense is used as an incense or an essential oil, it may have mood-lifting capabilities and even assist in temporarily relieving feelings of sadness. Many report the smell to be very comforting and may help overcome minor depression.

05. May Promote Healthy Looking Skin – Some believe that boswellia may support healthy aging and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. You’ll find it included in many beauty products, including makeup such as CC 1000 Roses Color Correct Sheer Nude SPF 30 from Andalou Naturals. It couldn’t hurt to give it a try! It may make a difference to your health.

Have you noticed any boswellia health benefits? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!