Boost Your Children’s Immune Systems (Infographic)


It’s not easy to see your kids get sick. And missed school days are just a hassle for everyone’s schedule. With another school year just around the corner, a little boost to your child’s immune system will only help your children’s bodies naturally fight off sicknesses.

There’s an overwhelming number of nutrients our growing children need in order to stay healthy.

I’ve done some good research in order to figure out what I absolutely need to give to my two youngsters to strengthen their immune systems. Even though I know the money is being well spent, most of us still need to watch the pocketbook. I guess we can call it “natural health insurance.”

So anyway, here are the four supplements that I give to my boys to keep their immune systems strong as a ox.

4 Supplements That Can Help Keep Kids Healthy

Most food, especially the food served to kids in schools, is not really providing the nutrients a growing body needs. So offering these extra nutrients to your kids, especially during the school-year is only going to help.

Besides – nutrient deficiencies are nothing to mess around with. Many nutrient imbalances can lead to symptoms that mimic ADHD or other auto immune disorders. Plus, certain foods we eat everyday are even depleting our body of some of the most important nutrients we might be getting. The bottom line is – most of us need more and just aren’t getting enough.

1. Multivitam + Minerals

Nordic Berries Multivitamin for Children, 120 Gummies, Nordic NaturalsSupplementing your child’s diet with a quality multivitamin that also contains minerals is a good idea. Be careful about getting them from any ‘ol drugstore. Just because they are vitamins doesn’t mean the ingredients are clean. In fact, have you seen the ingredients in Flintstones vitamins? They are downright terrible. And they aren’t the only vitamin out there that is like that.



Stick with a nutrition shop you can trust. Thankfully, I work at Natural Healthy Concepts and know the brands I’m buying are made with good ingredients and are non-GMO. The Nordic Berries and Alive Gummies have been my usual go-to for a multivitamin with minerals. They’ve tried quite a few brands and have not liked them all – that’s for sure. But the ones that I mention in this post have all passed their picky tasters test!

2. Fish Oil

Total Omega 369 Swirl Orange Cream, 16 Oz, Barleans Organic OilsOmega 3 fatty acids are a vital brain food that can help your child focus better. An omega-3 gummie is easy to chew and tastes good too! There are all sorts of good reasons to get essential fatty acids into your child’s diet. It helps fight inflammation caused by toxins and pathogens. It promotes healthy skin and a fatty acid deficiency could even be one reason your child is suffering from eczema. It helps with memory, concentration, depression, mood swings and can even prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

My favorite (and my boys favorite) omega supplement is the Total Omega Barlean’s Oil. It’s a smoothie texture and tastes like an orange Dreamsicle. It’s good for adults too, and it’s a proper balance of omega’s 3, 6, and 9. I bet your kids will eat it right off the spoon!

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D3Kid-D Liquid Drops, 1 Oz, Ortho Molecular is also extremely important for immune health. Not getting enough D3 could lead to mental disorders as well as a handful of other health issues. But when you have the proper amount, it helps keep things like your hearing, mood, sleep patterns, weight and immune system in tact. It even helps to prevent diseases like cancer later in life.

Frank R. Greer, M.D., FAAP, professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health does a great job explaining more about the importance of Vitamin D3. He says,

“There is epidemiologic evidence that vitamin D3 not only makes for strong bones, but may play a role in preventing some chronic diseases later in life, including those involving the immune and cardiovascular systems…Supplementation is important because most children will not get enough vitamin D through diet alone.”

I like to use the liquid D drops because they are super easy to add to any kids drink.

4. Probiotics

Multidophilus Plus 4 Billion Orange Cream Flavor, 60 Chewables, SolarayWhen it comes to the immune system, probiotics are a huge help. Since 80% of our immune systems are housed in our guts, the healthier our guts, the stronger our immune systems. Chronic illness is linked to an unhealthy gut flora.

So putting some extra good bacteria in your child’s gut can only help ward off the bad bacteria that leads to sickness and disease. The probiotics, or good bacteria, are like the good guys fighting off the bad guys, or bad bacteria, like parasites and yeast.

My boys really like the taste of the orange cream chewable Multidophilus Plus by Solaray.

One other thing that you could give your child as bonus #5 during the school year is some extra vitamin C. It’s loaded with antioxidants and has antibacterial properties and can help shorten the length of the common cold. Read more about The Immune Boosting Power of Vitamin C.

Here’s a checklist for boosting the immune system infographic that you can use to help get your kids set and ready to go this school year! Our kids mean a lot to us and so should their health!


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