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Aromatherapy Benefits & Essential Oil Recipes

Aromatherapy Benefits and Recipes!

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the art of using highly concentrated essential oils for health and healing. These oils are extracted from herbs, plants and trees. They provide both healthy or damaged cells in our body with oxygen and nutrients and even protect our DNA. Many people use aromatherapy to promote a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Roberta Wilson, author of the book, Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Vibrant Health and Beauty, is a skin-care specialist, herbalist, aromatherapist, educator and international lecturer who has been researching the healing power of nutrition and botanicals for more than thirty years. Her book provides a great reference and is divided into four parts:

  • Part 1: Explains basic principles of aromatherapy.
  • Part 2: Looks at 44 of the most beneficial essential oils, their histories, effects and correct applications.
  • Part 3: Details the various techniques for using plant essences – from atomizers and baths to compresses and inhalants.
  • Part 4: Contains an A-to-Z list of common conditions & aromatherapy treatments.

If you’d really like to get into the art and aromatherapy benefits – this is a great place to start!

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Germ Free Home

Research done at Weber State University proves that viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of many oils including cinnamon, oregano and clove. These oils have the ability to disrupt the life cycle of bacteria and cause viruses to be unable to replicate.

The studies found Thieves oil to have a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. Thieves oil is a common aromatherapy recipe used for keeping your home free from germs and the air pure and healthier to breathe. Check out the recipes below for how to make your own thieves oil for aromatherapy.

Healing Benefits

Science continues to prove what our ancestors have known all along. That aromatherapy oils may help modulate occasional pain and inflammation, help with stress, support a healthy immune system, ease cold and flu, rid your home of mold and germs, neutralize toxins, give you energy and balance, make you feel rejuvenated and even repair and purify your mind and body.

Studies have also confirmed that essential oils may have the ability to interfere with abnormal cells or pathogens. The best part is, the oils remain harmless to normal cells and tissues, while only targeting the abnormal ones.

Ways to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are very potent and only a small drop is super powerful.  It’s best to dilute the oil by using a carrier oil, alcohol (like vodka) or water when you mix them. Two common carrier oils used by many are almond and jojoba.

Food grade essential oils can be used for cooking as well as on your skin – but be sure the oils are food grade before you add them to your dish. Most essential oils on the market are perfume grade and contain many harmful toxins. If you plan to use the oils simply for topical purposes, it’s still smart to be sure they are high quality or therapeutic grade.

Listed below are a few proper ways to use essential oils for aromatherapy.

  • Diffuse

A diffuser creates a healing environment since it continually emits the pleasant aromatic scents of essential oils into the air you breathe. Three ways to diffuse essential oils is by a plug-in, a candle lamp or an ultrasonic nebulizer. A plug-in diffuser uses refill pads, the candle lamp uses a glass bowl with a candle underneath and the ultrasonic nebulizer uses high frequency vibration to convert essential oils and water into a fine cool mist.

  • Massage

Human touch and body work combined with absorbing the healing power of essential oils create positive effects on our body systems. It is a relaxing experience that helps balance the mind, body and spirit. Peppermint oil, for example, is great for relaxing tense muscles. Add 2-3 drops to an ounce of carrier oil before applying topically.

  • Spray & Lotions

Mix essential oils with a carrier oil,  water and even vodka to use as body spray or air freshener. You could also find a non-scented lotion and get creative with your very own scent and healing properties. This is a much healthier option than synthetic perfume, creams and chemically laden bathroom sprays.

  • Mouthwash

You can use essential oils to help with bad breath, toothache or sore throats. Just add one drop of oil (Anise oil for example) and two teaspoons of cider vinegar to a glass, mix well and then fill the glass with warm water. Stir and rinse your mouth with the mixture twice daily.

  • Bath

Add 4-8 drops to your bath for a relaxing experience. Be sure to agitate the water with your hand before you get in. Lavender is an especially relaxing and calming oil to try.

  • Inhalation

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish with aromatherapy oils, you can simply receive healing benefits from sense of smell. Natural Healthy Concepts offers aromatherapy scent inhalers or inhalation beads for stress, head relief, sleep and sinus help. But, you could also put a few drops on a handkerchief and sniff. Also try adding 2-3 drops of oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Put your face over the bowl and breathe normally for a few minutes.

Aromatherapy Recipes

Rule of Thumb: Mix 2-3 drops of your mixture into one ounce of a quality Jojaba or almond carrier oil. Use for massage, inhalation, a bath, mouth rinse (spit out), in a diffuser, as a lotion or perfume, cleaning, etc. Here are all of your aromatherapy accessories and the essential oils you’ll need for your recipes!

Cleansing Thieves Oil – Eliminate Bacteria in Your Home

  • Clove – 30 drops
  • Lemon – 25 drops
  • Cinnamon – 10 drops
  • Eucalyptus – 5 drops
  • Rosemary – 3 drops


  • Sage - 2 drops
  • Ylang Ylang - 1 drop
  • Neroli - 20 drops


  • Bergamot - 10 drops
  • Lavender - 4 drops
  • Orange - 4 drops
  • Rose Geranium - 1 drop
  • Ylang Ylang or Chamomile - 1 drop

More oils for stress relief: Lemon, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Frankincense, and cedarwood.


  • Bergamot  - 15 drops
  • Lavender - 5 drops
  • Geranium  - 7 drops
  • Frankincense - 2 drops
  • Neroli - 5 drops
  • Rose - 5 drops

Curb Cravings

  • Mandarin - 40 drops
  • Peppermint - 12 drops
  • Ginger  - 12 drops
  • Lemon - 20 drops

Wake Up

  • Basil - 1 drop
  • Lemon - 2 drops
  • Ylang Ylang - 2 drops


  • Peppermint - 1 drop
  • Rosemary - 1 drop
  • Cinnamon - 2 drops

More oils for engery: Bergamot, Neroli, Geranium and lemon.


  • Lavender - 6 drops
  • Tea Tree - 5 drops
  • Geranium - 1 drops

Cold & Flu Relief

  • Lemon - 1 drop
  • Eucalyptus - 2 drops
  • Rosemary or Hyssop - 1 drop

More oils for cold and flu: Ginger

Headache Relief

  • Peppermint  - 3 drops
  • Lavender  - 3 drops
  • Chamomile  - 3 drops

Cheer Up

  • Lime - 1 drop
  • Grapefruit - 1 drop
  • Lemon - 2 drops
  • Tangerine - 6 drops

or try

  • Clove Oil - 2 drops
  • Lemon Oil - 2 drops
  • Orange Oil - 3 drops

More oils for mood lifter: Orange, Eucalyptus, Lavender and Neroli.

Pure Air

  • Tea Tree - 1 drop
  • Grapefruit - 1 drop
  • Lemon - 10 drops

or try

  • Basil - 3 drops
  • Thyme - 3 drops
  • Lemon - 10 drops

Carpet Deodorizer

  • Lavender - 20 drops
  • Tea Tree - 10 drops
  • Lemon - 10 drops
  • Baking soda - 16 ounces

Fresh Breath

  • Peppermint - 2 drops
  • Myrrh - 1 drop
  • Tea Tree - 1 drop

Blending essential oils is an art. Have fun with it and get creative! Use them for laundry, cleaning, romance, health concerns, well-being, meditation and the list goes on.

It will take learning, practice and time to figure out what combines well together and the benefits of those combinations.

Always use caution with highly concentrated botanical oils and remember to dilute.  Have fun and enjoy the many benefits aromatherapy has to offer!

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