The Refusers Support Vaccine Choice, Do You?

join our Twitter chat on vaccines with The Refusers

What if your child died after getting vaccinated?

Sometimes well meaning parents who vaccinate their children, never get another chance to question vaccination. Because sometimes their children die.  It happens far more often than many people realize.

Before you take your baby to her well-baby visit, do you know the ingredients they put in the vaccines? Do you know what an adverse reaction is?  Do you understand informed consent?

If you ever question if vaccinating is the right thing to do, don’t miss our Twitter chat with Michael Belkin, author, Wall Street guru and lead singer of the band The Refusers. Sadly, Michael didn’t get another chance to question vaccines with his daughter – she died following a hepatitis B vaccine.

Hepatitis B is a disease that effects only 0.1% to 0.5% of the general population in the U.S. and western Europe, according to the NVIC. A vaccine that the NVIC says makes Merck Pharmaceuticals one billion dollars per year. And as Belkin said in his testimony to Congress on May 18th 1999,

So in the CDC and ACIP’s own words, almost every newborn US baby is now greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection against a sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not at risk — because they couldn’t get the junkies, prostitutes, homosexuals and promiscuous heterosexuals to take the vaccine. That is the essence of the hepatitis B universal vaccination program.

Be on Twitter, Thursday at 5:30 pm, to learn more about Michael’s personal story, ask questions and weigh-in on the conversation! Use hashtag #vaccinechat.

The Refusers use music to translate pharmaceutical weasel-speak into song lyrics with a cynical attitude! Their motto is:

This ain’t no corporate weasel-rock! This music is ABOUT something. It will AFFECT you. Roll up your sleeves: Here comes Innoc-you-rock!

Join our conversation with Michael and The Refusers on Twitter this Thursday, October 25th at 5:30 pm (CST).  Use hashtag #vaccinechat.

If you can’t join the chat or you’re not on Twitter, you can ask questions and post in the comments section below. We will be adding the transcript to this post after the chat. Watch for it!

Find out why Michael Belkin started The Refusers Band here. And visit The Refusers on Facebook and Twitter!

Want to learn more before the chat?

Is Vaccination Really Necessary?

No Vaccines, No School…Not So! Part 1

No Vaccines, No School…Not So! Part 2