3 Symptoms of Poor Circulation and How to Improve It

circulation in legs
Are you always cold? Do you feel it in your feet? Do your fingers and toes feel like ice or often turn blue? If so, these could be signs of poor circulation.

When blood does not flow properly, your extremities (fingers, toes, nose, feet or hands) will suffer from restricted blood flow, less nutrients and less oxygen. This leads to temperature changes, numbness, tingling and even color changes to the skin.

Learning how to treat poor circulation in feet and other extremities begins with understanding common reasons people suffer from poor circulation. Keep reading to also find out what is the best supplement for poor circulation.

3 Symptoms of Poor Circulation


Smoking leads to poor circulation because it leads to a build-up of fatty deposits in the heart vessels. This is called arteriosclerosis, and, as a result, the heart and its vessels lose their elasticity.

Smoking causes the heart muscle to harden so it has to work harder to pump blood. Inhaling smoke also leads to damaged lung tissue. When the lungs become damaged, a person cannot breathe as deeply as they should. This leads to less oxygenated blood and also plays a role in poor circulation.

High Blood Pressure

Common factors that cause high blood pressure are:

  • being overweight
  • smoking
  • a diet high in processed foods which contain salt and fat
  • having high cholesterol
  • diabetes

With high blood pressure, fat builds up inside the artery walls and hardens, turning into plaque. Plaque will narrow the arterial walls and now the heart has to pump harder to get blood to flow through.

Blood Clots

Blood clots can block veins and keep blood from flowing properly. This certainly impedes circulation; however, more concerning is that these blood clots can break free from the blood vessel and travel through the circulatory system. This can lead to blockages within the blood vessel and can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

If your legs are covered in varicose veins, you may have weak or damaged vein valves or walls. If you’re wondering how to treat poor circulation in feet, it can have a lot to do with varicose veins and other vascular issues, including poor circulation due to obesity. To avoid blood clots, blood sugar level issues, or heart disease, you should follow a healthy diet plan, wear compression socks to improve circulation, and get regular exercise. Also follow the following suggestions.

4 Ways to Improve Circulation

Learning how to treat poor circulation in feet and other parts of the body is not an insurmountable task. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Get Moving

If you fall into one of these categories, don’t wait to improve your circulation — get moving! Daily exercise, anything from walking, yoga or aerobics, immediately improves circulation. Daily exercises like these will consistently get your blood pumping, moving oxygen and nutrients to all your joints and organs.

A common side effect of having a daily exercise routine is weight loss. This can decrease blood pressure, further improving circulation. If you find yourself sitting for long periods, try to incorporate more breaks into your day or move from sitting to standing to get the blood flowing again.

2. If You Smoke, Detox and Quit

If youIf you smoke, make a goal to quit. If you have tried to quit smoking in the past and have been unsuccessful, know that relapses can be a part of your health journey.

You may want to try herbal detoxes to help rid the body of cigarette toxins, possibly making quitting an easier process. Low level laser therapy has also been found to be a very helpful tool in smoking cessation.

3. Change Your Diet

A few additions to your diet may prove helpful — foods such as:

  • Natto. Blood pressure and blood clots can be managed naturally with nattokinase. Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from natto that has been studied for its benefits to cardiovascular health. You can also supplement your diet with Progressive LabsNatto NSK Mega, which are capsules that contain nattokinase without vitamin K2 to support healthy circulation.
  • Cold-water fish. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in cold-water fish such as tuna, mackerel or sardines, have also been found to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. If you don’t eat fish, try a dietary supplement like Nordic NaturalsOmega-3 Lemon Softgels.

4. Try Dietary Supplements

What is the best supplement for poor circulation? If you’re looking for comprehensive supplements to support healthy circulation, consider these options:

Both supplements offer a convenient way to incorporate these beneficial compounds into your daily routine and support your body’s natural circulation processes.

A Final Word

If you’re wondering how to treat poor circulation in feet or other extremities, remember that there is no reason to suffer from cold hands and feet during the wintertime. What is the best supplement for poor circulation? Proper supplementation from products designed to promote healthy blood flow and maintain strong veins is a great place to start.

Supplements when combined with healthy lifestyle changes like embracing a whole foods diet and routine exercise can help restore your circulation and warm you up. By taking a proactive approach to improving blood flow, you can effectively combat the discomfort and potential health risks associated with poor circulation throughout your body.